How to use

1. Locate the Logic block that was signed to a Serial number
2. If you have the files [ID]_[Serialnumber]_[Name].hslx and [ID]_[Name].hsl, go to Step 4. If you have a [ID]_[Name].hslz, go to Step 3.
3. Open the .hslz file as a ZIP file (either change the extension to .zip or open it with WinRAR) and extract its Files (it should contain one .hls and one .hslx file)
4. Select your .hsl file (i.e. 12345_Logicblock.hsl)
5. Select your .hslx file (i.e. 12345_000AB3022355_Logicblock.hslx)
6. Check the outputs of the textfields below.
- The first should contain plain code (5000|"Logicblock Title" ...etc)
- The second one should contain a lot of unreadable text.
- The third should again contain readable code (5012|0|" ...etc). If the third textfield consists of "scrambled" text and [?] blocks, something went wrong.
7. Click on the "Download .hsl file" Button to download the decrypted .hsl file